From Idaho we made a beeline to Incline Village to see Dawn’s brother Dan and partner Lana. It was wonderful, quality time together. Thanks for the hospitality you guys!
We chose to take scenic hwy 395 towards home insteadA of soul killing interstate 5. In the process we found just about the perfect campground at Trumbull Lake, north of Mammoth. Uncrowded, close to nice lake where the fishing was excellent. I didn’t think this was still possible in the eastern Sierras.
We’ll be home in 2 days but this will probably be the last post from this trip. If you’ve been following our blog (and are still reading), good-bye for now!
Beautiful photos. Great to see Dan looking so good and Lana, too.
Somehow I missed ur last 2 posts! So glad you guys r -okay and so jealous of the beautiful scenery and places you have taken in! U haven’t missed anything here except the humidity🤪safe travels home👍🌈
Can’t wait to see you, All.
Woof woof!